In continuation of the previous article, we continue to cover the recent Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 26, 2022 PP No. 221 “On additional measures for the further development of the field of intellectual property“. One of the main innovations of this Decree was the adoption of the Strategy for the Development of the Intellectual Property Sphere in the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2026.
The recent analysis revealed that a number of shortcomings hinder the intensive development of the sphere of intellectual property in Uzbekistan, the attraction of foreign investment, economic growth and the development of other spheres of life of the state and society. These shortcomings include:
• Lack of sufficient knowledge and skills in the field of intellectual property among the population and business entities;
• Lack of an enabling environment for inventors and innovators;
• Lack of interest of business entities in the implementation of intellectual property results in their activities;
• Lack of highly qualified specialists in the field of IP management and legal protection of intellectual property.
In this regard, the adoption of the Strategy is of particular importance.
The main goal of this Strategy is to include Uzbekistan in a number of developed countries in the scientific and technical field and the sphere of invention by turning intellectual property into the main factor in the development of the socio-economic life of society and the state. Also, the promotion of regional brands as a tool for the integrated development of regions based on the principle “From effective legal protection of intellectual property to strong legal protection”.
The main objectives of the Strategy in achieving the main goal are:
• Elimination of existing gaps and contradictions in the legislation in the field of intellectual property, its continuous improvement on the basis of the best international practices;
• Full digitalization of the intellectual property sphere by introducing modern information and communication technologies in order to free the sphere from bureaucracy;
• Active participation in the processes of global integration in the field of intellectual property.
The main directions of the Strategy are:
I) Improving public administration in the field of intellectual property:
• Widespread introduction of pre-trial dispute resolution procedures in the field of intellectual property;
• Study of advanced international experience in activities for the protection of intellectual property rights.
II) Improvement of legislation in the field of intellectual property:
• Formation of a solid legislative base for the purpose of reliable legal protection of intellectual property rights;
• Development of a mechanism to ensure the receipt of benefits by the right holders of intellectual property objects by protecting and restoring their rights;
• Studying the issue of introducing an “ex officio” order into the customs legislation.
III) Further improvement of the processes of creation and registration of objects of intellectual property:
• Supporting the creation of regional brands in the regions and taking measures to further promote the Made in Uzbekistan brand in the world;
• Simplification of registration processes for the results of intellectual activity;
• Creation of favorable conditions for the creation of inventions that will bring high benefits to the state and society in the country.
IV) Improving the system of protection of rights to objects of intellectual property:
• Organization of wide use in the country of the online platform “WIPO Alert” for copyright protection on the Internet with the assistance of the World Intellectual Property Organization;
• Further intensification of the activity of patent attorneys providing professional legal assistance in the field of intellectual property;
• Ensuring strong legal protection of the field of intellectual property through the involvement of all forces and means jointly by the relevant ministries and agencies.
V) Implementation of information and communication technologies in relations related to intellectual property and their improvement:
• Development of a calculator module that calculates the amount of royalties paid for the use of objects of intellectual property;
• Elimination of bureaucratic barriers faced by applicants by digitalization of state registration processes for intellectual property objects.
VI) Formation in the society of a sense of respect for intellectual property and increasing the legal culture of the population:
• Creation of a series of textbooks and manuals of a new generation in the field of intellectual property, as well as the implementation of translations of foreign literature in this field into Uzbek language;
• Ensuring that legislative acts in the field of intellectual property are translated into English in order to provide foreigners with access to these documents;
• Organization of foreign internships, seminars and training courses for employees of the sphere with the participation of international experts on topical issues in the field of intellectual property;
• Organization of training courses “IP Management” on a paid-contract basis to assist the population and business entities in turning their intellectual property objects into a means of obtaining high incomes.
VII) Implementation of international standards and development of international cooperation in the field of intellectual property:
• Studying the issue of accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the universal international treaties in the field of intellectual property administered by WIPO;
• Activation of cooperation with representative offices of international organizations in the Republic of Uzbekistan, institutions for intellectual property of other states, international organizations, as well as relations with foreign donors through the implementation of joint projects;
• Improving the skills of domestic business entities in the use of intellectual property by ensuring their participation in special WIPO programs.